What is legalism? We hear the term often in the church, but many have a sub-biblical view of what exactly it is. What about the actual weaker brother vs. the potential weaker brother? You can't really have a discussion on legalism without addressing the topic of worldliness as well. In this episode of Rightly Divided guest Phil Johnson sits down with me to discuss both.
This is one of the early "audio only" versions of Rightly Divided hence the pops and cracks. The later editions have video and are cleaner.
What is Amyraldianism? Surprisingly, there are many today who hold to it, even those who claim to be Reformed/Calvinists. There are a few variations of it including the "Unlimited Limited Atonement" view endorsed by some. TurretinFan of the well known blog and contributor to James White's AOMin.org answers the question, "What is Amyraldianism and why is it an issue that needs to be discussed?"
Have you ever struggled against sin and thought you may not be a Christian because of your struggle? Do unbelievers love that which is good as God defines good and hate that which is evil as God defines evil? Do you believe that no longer sinning is as easy as "letting go" and you tell other people they're not saved if they haven't "let go" just as you want them to believe you have? If so, you may want to take another look at Romans 7.
In this episode of Rightly Divided, Dr. Kim Riddlebarger and myself discuss the man in Romans 7, and the assurance of the believer.
Pastor Kim Riddlebarger is the pastor of Christ Reformed Church in Anaheim, CA, a host on the show The White Horse Inn, and the author of The Man of Sin and A Case for Amillenialism.
What do Arminians believe historically about Jesus Christ's atonement on the Cross? The answer to that question may surprise you. This and more is discussed in this edition of Rightly Divided with guest Eric Holmberg.
These days, it seems like everyone declares themselves to be evangelical, but what does this term really mean? Does it have any historical basis? Who are some that are calling themselves evangelical that really aren't, and why is it important to defend the historic position? Is "Evangelicalism" in a worse state today spiritually than Roman Catholicism was at the time of the Reformation?These questions and more are answered in this edition of Rightly Divided with guest Phil Johnson.
Here are the two articles from Pyromaniacs we reference during the show: Article 1) Article 2)
Here's the lecture Phil Johnson gave several years ago at the Shepherd's Conference on the subject of Evangelicalism.
Phil Johnson is the director of John MacArthur's Grace to You ministry, and he also runs the blog Pyromaniacs.
Does Reformed Theology matter? Some say that it's irrelevant, and all that we should care about is getting people to make decisions for Jesus. Others say that if being careful and exact with your theology and then actually defending it is important to you, you're worshiping an idol and need to repent of your idolatry. So do these people have real claims or does the theology that you hold to really matter (in particular whether you hold to Reformed Theology)? Dr. James White gives some insight on how Reformed Theology affects one's apologetic, worship of God, and everyday life as a believer and why Reformed Theology is the most consistent and effective way to defend Biblical Christianity here on the first edition of Rightly Divided.
Link to the debate video with Potter that was shown in this video.
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You can see the Resource of the Month video that Dr. White and I shot this same day here.